Jan 30, 2009

Jan 30, 2009

I'm sick. I thought it might be bird flu, then I remembered I'm a monkey, so it must be monkey flu. I've been in bed all week taking lots of fluids and eating bananas; Mother Nature's cure-all.

Jan 22, 2009

Jan 22, 2009

There are so many stairs on this ship! I live on deck 2, and from my cabin to the dining room there are 50 stairs. I've suggested that vines and/or rope ladders would be easier to use.

Jan 18, 2009

Jan.18, 2009

Welcome to my cabin. I let Jessica and Mel stay with me. Notice, above my head, is a news article about monkeys in a wheelbarrow. Mel's mom sent that to us. I like post. You can send letters, pictures and bananas to the following address:
Mo the Monkey
c/o Jessica Edwards
Alte Neckarelzer Str. 2
74821 Mosbach, Germany

Jan. 10, 2009

I'm starting a new year on the ship! I can't believe I've been living on a ship for 16 months!! It's unnatureal for a monkey to be away from trees for so long. But lucky for me I've made lots of new friends! This is my best friend, a bear from Australia! I don't know his name. We spend everyday together in the cabin, while Jessica and her rommmate Mel are busy with their own friends, ignoring us.