Dec 1, 2008

Nov. 13, 2008

I went to the marble cliffs of Denmark. Well I don't really know if they were marble or chalk, but they were white and pretty impressive. I visited a church that used to sit on the cliff's edge, until about the 1920's. That's when the cliff eroded away taking half the church and the cemetery with it. They said there used to be coffins hanging out of the cliffs.... I was disappointed not to see any bones or coffins.

Oct 19, 2008

Oct 10, 2008

I was able to visit a castle today. It was a beautiful day and the castle had huge grounds to get lost in. Jessica finally found me hiding with this gargoyle thingy.

Oct 12, 2008

Sept.25, 2008

I got to take a trip in the new vans. They wouldn't let me drive. Apparently I need a driver's license.
I called "shot gun" and was able to sit by the driver. I toldl him how to drive and what directions to take! I think he really appriciated that I was there. He even said I could sit on top of the van if I kept helping him! Buckle up for safety.

Sep 10, 2008

August 25, 2008

We tried lunch at the fish market next to the ship. It taste like fish....

I'll stick to bananas

August 5, 2008

Photos with friends. Jessica's spending more and more time working and less and less time with me.

My friend Alison, the ladies love me.

Me and Marjan, along with Marjan's favorite green pillow

This is not a very flattering photo of me, I don't like this angle, but I wanted a picture with Graham. He is pretty funny, maybe even funnier then Jessica...

July 15, 2008

Enjoying summer in Denmark means we sit in the park most of the time. I would really like to climb trees and throw bananas at people.

I'll tell them later that I can't read and only look at books for the pictures... but they give me Ice Cream!! I like reading.

July 1, 2008

The Logos Hope in Køge, Denmark... I'm going to have to talk to my photographer, how is anyone supposed to believe this is a photo in a new city?

Jun 26, 2008

June 22, 2008

I didn't get to see much of Sweden. Jessica was away for a two and half week challenge team in another city. June is almost over and we left Sweden and traveled (by bus, again!) to Denmark.
I was able to reserve the back row just for me! No kids!

Shama, from Sri Lanka and Grace, from Kansas, kept me smiling the entire ride.

May 30, 2008

We left Kiel! After 9 months in the same city we get to do some of this traveling that Jessica had promised. Our next stop is Sweden. Unfortunately, I couldn't sail as a crew member (YET! I'm still working some angles in the deck department), so I traveled with the rest of ship's company to Landskrona, Sweden by charter bus.
We had to spend the night in a church, I tried to stay up all night with my new friends! Mel is Jessica's roommate...I like her. Her bear on the other hand, isn't much of a talker.

May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jessica! Alison and Becky made the sign, I brought the cuteness, and we surprised Jessica with a pizza dinner! And a HUGE American flag!

May 26, 2008

MIA March, April & May

I've been missing! It's not that I've been lost or misplaced, but I've been missing you! Jessica had been so busy with her job and travels she left me to guard her bed. I'm an expert on sitting on pillows now!
I learned a lesson. If you want Jessica to do something, it's better to let her do it in her own time.... believe me, if you are always asking, complaining and whining about it she might stuff you under the bed!!
I'm back!!!! And here's some photos of things I've been doing over the last few months. I honestly can't believe it's been almost three months since I last blogged!!! Where did the time go? I hope to get Jessica on the computer more often so I can keep you all up to date on my adventures. Thanks for your patience. I've forgiven Jessica and she promises she will do better from now on.

MARCH 2008
Continuing to find the perfect job for a monkey onboard, Hannah (USA) suggested some different engine room jobs, like helping with the septic tank, cleaning fuel oil tanks and checking on the generators. The engine crew really love their generators and affectionately call them all "Genny".

Notice the bible verse on the poo tank.

My first meeting with Genny

Jessica put her foot down and wouldn't allow me to go in any farther. She didn't want me dirty. Can't a monkey have a little fun?
This means no engine work for me.

APRIL 2008
A favorite game with the crew is Ping Pong. This is me watching. Mikey (USA) & Ilkka (Finland) said the game ends when someone gets 100 points. I had to wait awhile.

In the Dining room you can choose to have juice with your meal. Jessica usually gets water or hot tea. Despite what all the other crew members say, I think the juices taste great! How do they know it taste like feet, have they tasted feet before?

MAY 2008
Since Jessica was ignoring me for most of the month, I did some exploring on my own and found the luggage/book hold storage space. There sure were a lot of ladders down there. No wonder the crew have been asking me advice on climbing on desks and bunk beds.

While the cats away, the monkey will play! hehe, Jessica still doesn't know about our late night Open Cabin Parties!

Mar 21, 2008

March 1, 2008

I'm going to try a new job. Today I went to the Engine Room.

Maybe they have space for a new "grease monkey"?
This is the control room, lots of gages and buttons.

Lots of tools too. Notice the ear protection. Jessica calls them "monkey ears". I think I could be engineer.

Feb 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day
This is Marjan from Belgium. She is always talking to me about chocolate and waffles. I like her. She gets packages from her friends. I would love to get packages from friends... hint hint.

Feb 17, 2008

Feb 9, 2008

If this is a dream, don't wake me!

Feb 5, 2008

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.... when in Germany, do as the Germans do! My friends Allison and Wing are niether Roman nor German, but we can pretend.

Feb 16, 2008

Feb 1, 2008

It's snowing! I made a snowman. The only down side, was that Jessica wouldn't let me out of the bag... something about not wanting me to get wet or I didn't have the right shoes. I stopped listening and threw a snowball at her.

Jan 31, 2008

Jan. 21, 2008

It was time for me to try my hand at working in another department... This time I wanted to be part of the control team, so I had to learn to use a regulator. In case of a fire alarm or emergency situation, then the control team is sent to investigate.
They would be lucky to have a monkey on the team!
They said I couldn't join. Something about having to be able to carry a tank of oxygen on my back while wearing the mask. It's okay, I'll just try another department.

Jan. 15, 2008

To entertain the kids and monkeys on board the ship’s crew blew up a raft and filled it with balls. I think it’s funnier when only monkeys are allowed, no kids.
I hope none of the kids peed in the balls!!!

Jan. 8, 2008

This is the Garbage room; it stinks. We have to sort all our garbage before it gets here. I don’t make any garbage so I never have to visit this room.

Jan 6, 2008

Jan. 6, 2008

This year I want to try some of the jobs around the ship. First I’ll start in reception. This is Kathy, she greets everyone that comes aboard. She is from Alaska, where pumpkins and monkeys look the same, I think. She wouldn’t stop calling me "pumpkin".

Kathy wouldn’t let me page anyone on the PA, but I got to answer the phone. "Reception, this is Mo speaking!"
Kathy said, "Good job, pumpkin!"

Jan 1, 2008

My first New Years in Germany! From the top of deck 9 we could see fireworks 360 degrees around us. My new year’s resolution is to eat more Bananas, take more pictures and read more comments from you!!

Dec. 25, 2007

MERRY CHISTMAS EVERYONE!! I helped decorate the tree. It's starting to look great!