Jan 31, 2008

Jan. 21, 2008

It was time for me to try my hand at working in another department... This time I wanted to be part of the control team, so I had to learn to use a regulator. In case of a fire alarm or emergency situation, then the control team is sent to investigate.
They would be lucky to have a monkey on the team!
They said I couldn't join. Something about having to be able to carry a tank of oxygen on my back while wearing the mask. It's okay, I'll just try another department.

Jan. 15, 2008

To entertain the kids and monkeys on board the ship’s crew blew up a raft and filled it with balls. I think it’s funnier when only monkeys are allowed, no kids.
I hope none of the kids peed in the balls!!!

Jan. 8, 2008

This is the Garbage room; it stinks. We have to sort all our garbage before it gets here. I don’t make any garbage so I never have to visit this room.

Jan 6, 2008

Jan. 6, 2008

This year I want to try some of the jobs around the ship. First I’ll start in reception. This is Kathy, she greets everyone that comes aboard. She is from Alaska, where pumpkins and monkeys look the same, I think. She wouldn’t stop calling me "pumpkin".

Kathy wouldn’t let me page anyone on the PA, but I got to answer the phone. "Reception, this is Mo speaking!"
Kathy said, "Good job, pumpkin!"

Jan 1, 2008

My first New Years in Germany! From the top of deck 9 we could see fireworks 360 degrees around us. My new year’s resolution is to eat more Bananas, take more pictures and read more comments from you!!

Dec. 25, 2007

MERRY CHISTMAS EVERYONE!! I helped decorate the tree. It's starting to look great!